Argan Oil & Us
Moroccanoil began with the simple wish to share the transformative powers of argan oil with women around the world. To this day, every one of our hair and body products is infused with argan oil—our signature ingredient.

Where Does Argan Oil Come From?
As árvores de Argan crescem e sobrevivem tenazmente em áreas semi-desertas do Mediterrâneo. As raízes profundas e as folhas pequenas da árvore de Argan permitem-lhe resistir aos ventos áridos e à perda de água, resultando num fruto com um óleo de concentração única.
O óleo de Argan puro é um óleo raro e precioso colhido e extraído do fruto da árvore de Argan. Durante muitos séculos, as mulheres do Mediterrâneo recorreram ao óleo de Argan no seu regime de beleza para obterem uma pele e um cabelo vibrante e de aspeto saudável.

Why Use Argan Oil?
Thanks to a uniquely high concentration of antioxidants,
tocopherols (Vitamin E), and essential fatty acids such as oleic acid and linoleic acid, argan oil has multiple nourishing benefits for hair and skin.
Our argan oil-infused products make it simple and luxurious to harness these glow-boosting properties and make them part of your daily routine.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of argan oil for hair?
Shine is just the start. Studies have suggested that argan
oil and/or hair products containing argan oil may help:
• Protect hair from breakage during heat styling [source]
• Reduce the formation of split ends [source]
• Protect hair against oxidative damage [source]
• Decrease damage caused to hair during the color process [source]
What are the benefits of argan oil for skin?
Argan oil has long been used to help provide hydration and
nourishment to all skin types, and science has begun to back its potential benefits. Studies have suggested that topical application of argan oil to skin may help:
• Increase skin’s elasticity, particularly after menopause [source]
• Improve skin hydration by restoring the barrier function [source]
• Regulate sebum production to reduce oily skin [source]